The Average Person Works Over 90,000 Hours in Their Lifetime
You’ve worked hard, and we believe your assets and resources should work just as hard for you in retirement.
Choose an area of concern on the wheel to download our “7 Steps for a Secure Retirement” white paper.
What keeps you up at night?
Running Out of Money
Healthcare Costs
Protecting My Spouse
Social Security
Overwhelmed By Decisions
Market Volatility

Experts in the Transition to Retirement

Stone Pine Financial Partners is a financial planning firm that puts clients first. We know your life situation is unique and that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for retirement.

We are Certified Financial Planners AND Retirement Income Specialists.

  • There are over 300,000 Financial Advisors
  • About 30% are CFP’s® and very few are Retirement Income Specialists.

    We are Certified Financial Planners and Retirement Income Specialists. Putting together the pieces to the puzzle that form a retirement income plan takes lots of specific knowledge, skill and training that a general financial planner does not have. You need a specialist who understands the specific risks retirees face and can form a plan, specific to you, that will provide the freedom to focus on others areas of your retirement and allow you to sleep well at night.

Who Is a Typical Stone Pine Client?

Our typical client is 55 or older with 1 million or more in investible assets. Some of the reasons our clients tell us they have sought help from our firm:

  • I wanted expert guidance to help coordinate Social Security, Medicare, retirement income and taxes into a sensible plan.

  • I wanted to know my spouse and family will be in great hands if something happens to me.

  • I prefer to delegate and collaborate with an expert so I can concentrate on enjoying retirement.

What we do 

The transition to retirement is the most important period in your financial life. Most financial advisors help you get to retirement – we help you get through retirement. 

Portfolio Management

Retirees face unique investment challenges. We are well-versed in the proper construction of a retiree investment portfolio – to balance the need for both growth and safety and allow for sustainable distributions.

Tax Planning

In the early years of retirement people are often surprised to see a significant drop in their tax liabilities. We develop tax strategies to take advantage of these “low-tax” years.

Coordinated Advice

Decisions regarding retirement income, investments, taxes, healthcare, housing, estate planning and more all need to be thoughtfully crafted into a cohesive retirement plan.

Advice we Provide

The key is to have a retirement plan that coordinates all of the decisions and strategies you employ. Otherwise, decisions made in isolation can often have unintended consequences on other parts of your finances. 


Social Security

Determine the best timing and claiming strategy to maximize these dollars for you and your family.


Roth Conversions

This is one of many tax strategies we often recommend in the early years of retirement to take advantage of low tax years and to reduce Required Distributions in the future.



Understand your healthcare options, what type of plan makes the most sense for your situation and resources for obtaining coverage at the best price.


Retirement Paycheck

A strategy that allows for consistent distributions from your investments regardless of fluctuations in the stock market.


The Order of Withdrawals

Not all distributions are created equal. Determining which accounts to access, and in which order, can have a significant impact on the longevity of your assets.


Housing Decisions

This is typically a retirees largest expense. Analyzing the effects of moving to a different state, downsizing or staying put can have a significant impact on the overall retirement plan.

Things change 

Just like your “30 year old self” would have likely struggled to envision where you are today, it will also likely be hard to envision changes that will take place throughout your retirement.

We track your progress and make adjustments along the way to adapt to changes in your life, as well as to market, economic and tax law changes.

In The Media 

Latest News 

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