See You In Class!
We are pleased to be able to teach finance & retirement classes. You can learn more about retirement planning, distribution and tax strategies, and more at educational organizations throughout the greater Philadelphia region. Our classes are designed to provide an overview of these important topics as you plan for your future, using our many years of experience helping people transition to retirement.
Class Schedule
Retirement Income & Withdrawal Strategies
DATES: March 10 & 17, 2022, 6:30 p.m.
For decades you have diligently saved money for retirement, and now you face the daunting decision of how to replace your income when you stop working. This is one of the most important and least talked about issues in personal finance. Discuss the common withdrawal strategies and identify the benefits and risks that are involved as well as advanced strategies such as Roth Conversions and other tax strategies that can have a significant impact on the longevity of your assets. Learn about the 4% rule, dividends, the pros and cons of annuities and more! These decisions can have a lasting impact on your ability to maintain your current lifestyle and retire without worry.
Transition to Retirement: The Top 5 Decisions Everyone Must Consider
DATES: September 28 & October 5, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Wallingford Swarthmore Community Classes
As you approach retirement, it is common to find yourself overwhelmed with many financial decisions. Learn the five most important topics every retiree must consider: Social Security, Medicare, housing, income replacement and taxes. We will use state-of-the-art software to illustrate the impact and importance these decisions can have on your retirement. Discover a simple yet effective way to consolidate your retirement planning decisions to one page. Take control of your finances, avoid costly mistakes and get ready to enjoy retirement!
Social Security: How to Maximize Your Benefits
DATES: January 10, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Main Line School Night
This is a must-attend class for anyone thinking about retiring or claiming Social Security. In fact, some of the claiming strategies have recently changed. Whether you are married, single, divorced or widowed, know your options. Many people end up leaving money on the table because they were not well prepared to make this decision. Learn the basics of Social Security, what has recently changed and strategies to maximize your benefits. Each attendee will be offered a complimentary analysis that will examine your specific benefits and outline the most efficient ways to claim Social Security for your situation.
Savvy Tax Strategies in Retirement
DATES: January 17, 2024, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Main Line School Night
Understanding how you will be taxed on your various income sources and assets is one of the most important and least talked about areas of retiree financial planning. Discuss strategies for retaining more of your hard-earned resources, including how and when it makes sense to do partial Roth Conversions, tax consequences based on where you choose to live in retirement, the different taxation structures of Social Security, pensions, part-time earnings and retirement withdrawals among other ways to preserve the longevity of your assets.
Investing with Social Impact
DATE: December 4, 2019, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Main Line School Night
Are you interested in selecting investments which match your beliefs? Learn how to invest to create positive economic, social and environmental change and align your financial goals that are driven by your personal values and mission. Discover effective strategies for charitable giving.
Retirement Income & Withdrawal Strategies
DATES: February 19 & 26, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Main Line School Night
LOCATION: Creutzburg Center
You have diligently saved money for retirement, and now you face the daunting decision of how to replace your income when you stop working. This is one of the most important and least talked about issues in personal finance. Discuss the common withdrawal strategies and identify the benefits and risks that are involved. We will also explain advanced strategies, such as Roth Conversions, and other tax approaches that can have a significant impact on the longevity of your assets. Learn about the 4% rule, dividends, the pros and cons of annuities and more! These decisions can have a lasting impact on your ability to maintain your current lifestyle and retire without worry.
Savvy Tax Strategies in Retirement
DATES: March 10, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Cheltenham Adult School
LOCATION: Chelthenham High School
Understanding how you will be taxed on your various income sources and assets is one of the most important and least talked about areas of retiree financial planning. Discuss strategies for retaining more of your hard-earned resources, including how and when it makes sense to do partial Roth Conversions, tax consequences based on where you choose to live in retirement, the different taxation structures of Social Security, pensions, part-time earnings and retirement withdrawals among other ways to preserve the longevity of your assets.
Transition to Retirement: The Top 5 Decisions Everyone Must Consider
DATES: March 12 & 19, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Main Line School Night
LOCATION: Creutzburg Center
Take control of your finances and avoid costly mistakes when you consider the five most important topics for every retiree: Social Security, Medicare, housing, income replacement, taxes and software to illustrate the impact and importance these decisions can have on your retirement. Learn an effective way to consolidate your retirement planning decisions to one page.
Ladies Night: Overcoming Financial Risks Women Face in Retirement
DATES: March 18 & 25, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Main Line School Night
LOCATION: Lower Merion High School
Join us for two nights of embracing our financial independence in retirement! We will start by investigating why the financial side of retirement is different for women than men. We will work on articulating our individual goals – as women, what do we really want from retirement? We will follow that by learning about the financial risks women face in retirement. Together, we will work through the steps to a well thought out financial plan that achieves our goals by maximizing resources and minimizing risks. We will delve into investing in retirement, Social Security, Medicare, taxes, estate planning, and more! Come by yourself or come with friends – as women, the more we feel comfortable talking about personal finance with those we trust, the better equipped we will be to support each other through this monumental rite of passage!
Retirement Income & Withdrawal Strategies
DATES: March 24 & 31, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Wallingford Swarthmore Community Classes
LOCATION: Strath Haven High School
You have diligently saved money for retirement, and now you face the daunting decision of how to replace your income when you stop working. This is one of the most important and least talked about issues in personal finance. Discuss the common withdrawal strategies and identify the benefits and risks that are involved. We will also explain advanced strategies, such as Roth Conversions, and other tax approaches that can have a significant impact on the longevity of your assets. Learn about the 4% rule, dividends, the pros and cons of annuities and more! These decisions can have a lasting impact on your ability to maintain your current lifestyle and retire without worry.
Savvy Tax Strategies in Retirement
DATES: April 1, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Main Line School Night
LOCATION: Lower Merion High School
Understanding how you will be taxed on your various income sources and assets is one of the most important and least talked about areas of retiree financial planning. Discuss strategies for retaining more of your hard-earned resources, including how and when it makes sense to do partial Roth Conversions, tax consequences based on where you choose to live in retirement, the different taxation structures of Social Security, pensions, part-time earnings and retirement withdrawals among other ways to preserve the longevity of your assets.
Retirement Income & Withdrawal Strategies
DATES: January 15 & January 22, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Mt. Airy Learning Tree
You have diligently saved money for retirement, and now you face the daunting decision of how to replace your income when you stop working. This is one of the most important and least talked about issues in personal finance. Discuss the common withdrawal strategies and identify the benefits and risks that are involved. We will also explain advanced strategies, such as Roth Conversions, and other tax approaches that can have a significant impact on the longevity of your assets. Learn about the 4% rule, dividends, the pros and cons of annuities and more! These decisions can have a lasting impact on your ability to maintain your current lifestyle and retire without worry.
Retirement Income & Withdrawal Strategies
DATES: January 16 & January 23, 2025, 6:30 p.m.
ORGANIZATION: Main Line School Night
You have diligently saved money for retirement, and now you face the daunting decision of how to replace your income when you stop working. This is one of the most important and least talked about issues in personal finance. Discuss the common withdrawal strategies and identify the benefits and risks that are involved. We will also explain advanced strategies, such as Roth Conversions, and other tax approaches that can have a significant impact on the longevity of your assets. Learn about the 4% rule, dividends, the pros and cons of annuities and more! These decisions can have a lasting impact on your ability to maintain your current lifestyle and retire without worry.